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Love Bucket LOGS

I want to help you help me :)

Posted by ideasideas

LOL, maybe we can even help each other at the same time! :D

My future memories

Posted by MeechiiiMeechiii

After making very poor decisions in life, living in an abusive relationship and then being diagnosed with the rare Leiomyosarcoma, I want to experience things and people and places, most of all I want to really experience the short rest of my life.

Spring Break Bucket List

Posted by bucketlistbucketlist

Spring break is almost here and you better not let it catch you by surprise.

In a perfect world, you’d have had your plans figured out months ago. Your tickets would already be bought, your hotel booked, and your itinerary full to the brim. It’s not a perfect world. If you find yourself among the many that waited until the last second to make plans, don’t panic ...


Posted by Bethany10Bethany10

my summary of the bravest fan. It’s very touching and sometimes I booked online, and help the goals to reach our friends. I’ve been to the festivals 

Love my prince

Posted by Bethany10Bethany10

okay! My prince will drive me to the carriage. Then we would meet up at west minister with our friends and family. Then they excited to see us. We always sneak in.i was like. “Oh my gosh! There’s the monster! But. It’s very weird. I’m important to those people. 

First Date Bucket List

Posted by bucketlistbucketlist

Nervous butterflies in your stomach, agonizing over what to wear and jumping in to the unknown is what first dates are made of. Love them or hate them, there’s nothing like the experience of getting to know a potential partner, on that very first encounter.

If you tend to collapse into a bundle of nerves, the easiest way to rise above it, is to forget about awkward dinner conversation ...


Posted by meerimmeerim

The phonecall came on a Thursday around 10 AM. It was August 28th 2014. We were both at work, I was in court and did not answer my phone. My husband got the wonderful news about the assignment of a healthy and cute little boy. I left court immidiately, we went to look at the pictures from Holt together.

The Ulitimate Dream

Posted by lovemusic158lovemusic158

When I was younger, I remember getting asked what I wanted to be when i grow up. Most kids answered doctor, teacher, athlete, rock star. But not me. I remember answering that i wanted to be a Queen. I didn't want to even be a princess, I thought they were over rated. I got a little bit older and realized that it would be very unlikely to ever become a ...

I'm trying to make a cute "Dates" bucket list. Whether it be creative, romantic, cute, layed-back, or special.

Posted by wemaydreamwemaydream

If you have any ideas, please post them! They would be greatly appreciated. (:

A quest for love

Posted by SimonSimon

So, to grow old with someone that I love.

That's really what this is about.

Now the problem with love is that it is a very fickle thing, and rare.

Mine is, unfortunately for me, a very picky heart. And it has many scars already.
So this quest for love, is. . . hard for me. As I don't deal with rejection well (I take it ...

Love Bucket List

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