
Things To Put On A Bucket List

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Dreaming is the best thing I ever had in my short life

Posted by KristinaPolarisKristinaPolaris

What is the happiness? I believe that every person find their happiness in different things. However, I need to find mine. It may sound weird and ridiculous, but for me happiness is in dreaming. I don’t know how I’d survive in my town without dreams, really!:) I thank God for everything He gave to me while I was just dreaming! Yeah, it’s true that we should be ...

The Ulitimate Dream

Posted by lovemusic158lovemusic158

When I was younger, I remember getting asked what I wanted to be when i grow up. Most kids answered doctor, teacher, athlete, rock star. But not me. I remember answering that i wanted to be a Queen. I didn't want to even be a princess, I thought they were over rated. I got a little bit older and realized that it would be very unlikely to ever become a ...

Dream Bucket List

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