
Things To Put On A Bucket List

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The BFF Bucket List

Posted by bucketlistbucketlist

Who’s always there when you need a shoulder to cry on, a drinking buddy or someone to laugh until you cry with? Your BFF. This special person is one you’ll grow old with, after years of adventures, Netflix and wine nights and picking each other up when times are rough.

When life gets busy, boyfriends rock up on the scene or careers take first place, it’s easy ...

Spring Break Bucket List

Posted by bucketlistbucketlist

Spring break is almost here and you better not let it catch you by surprise.

In a perfect world, you’d have had your plans figured out months ago. Your tickets would already be bought, your hotel booked, and your itinerary full to the brim. It’s not a perfect world. If you find yourself among the many that waited until the last second to make plans, don’t panic ...

Getting started

Posted by tobi7051tobi7051

I joined the community on this website a couple af years ago, thinking that it would be fun to put my dreams on paper. However, it stopped at that. After a writing down a few ideas, I just stopped and haven't really thought about it since then. But now here I am, a few years older and ready to realize my dreams. How did this happen? What sparked the ...

Friends will be friends

Posted by MrHakalaMrHakala

Here we see a prime example of how a friend can bring joy to each other's lives :) I think Queen said it best in their song Friends will be friends: "...Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end"

Paying it forward to a friend #PIFD @bucketlist

Haven't had a chance to try bungee jumping as yet. The reason probably being that I'm too picky. I don't want to jump ...

Friends Bucket List

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