
Things To Put On A Bucket List

Italian Bucket LOGS

I ordered Rosetta Stone

Posted by martins3485martins3485

I ordered Rosetta Stone in Italian. I found a groupon for half the price. I'm getting closer to reaching this goal.

Learning Italian

Posted by Nelly1976Nelly1976

Just found out that I won't get my first lesson until next Monday. Ah well, I suppose waiting an extra week won't hurt!

Learning Italian

Posted by Nelly1976Nelly1976

I just signed up for an online beginners course in Italian. It's run by the BBC. I will received one email per week, each containing a lesson and a set of tests and challenges. After 12 weeks, I take an exam and, assuming that I pass, I can leave it at that, or move on to the next level. And it's free. All being well I should receive my first ...

Italian Bucket List

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