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Food Bucket LOGS

Dallas Farmer's Market

Posted by StephjransomStephjransom

Caribbean FoodI have always wanted to see the famous Dallas Farmer's Market and on this day, Feb 3rd, 2018; I got to see it. I have to say the place was crammed but why shouldn't it be? The live jazz music was on point, people were in line for all kinds of food and one hopping spot was the Caribbean Cabana. Amazing food. A little warning, if you can ...

Weight loss

Posted by Aventura411Aventura411

I need to return to the slim build that I've had thru most of my life, for reasons of physical and psychological health.


Posted by auroralunaauroraluna

So its a work in progress but I'm getting there. Though I actually think to make a cookbook of my life it'll never be finished.. but I want it to be HUGE like have ALL my favorite dishes from all over the world and everything though it'll probably consist of A LOT of desserts hahaha.

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