
Things To Put On A Bucket List

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I want to help you help me :)

Posted by ideasideas

LOL, maybe we can even help each other at the same time! :D

My future memories

Posted by MeechiiiMeechiii

After making very poor decisions in life, living in an abusive relationship and then being diagnosed with the rare Leiomyosarcoma, I want to experience things and people and places, most of all I want to really experience the short rest of my life.

Spring Break Bucket List

Posted by bucketlistbucketlist

Spring break is almost here and you better not let it catch you by surprise.

In a perfect world, you’d have had your plans figured out months ago. Your tickets would already be bought, your hotel booked, and your itinerary full to the brim. It’s not a perfect world. If you find yourself among the many that waited until the last second to make plans, don’t panic ...

girls night

Posted by missangiemissangie

started calling up cousins and arranging a monthly girls night out

Dreaming is the best thing I ever had in my short life

Posted by KristinaPolarisKristinaPolaris

What is the happiness? I believe that every person find their happiness in different things. However, I need to find mine. It may sound weird and ridiculous, but for me happiness is in dreaming. I don’t know how I’d survive in my town without dreams, really!:) I thank God for everything He gave to me while I was just dreaming! Yeah, it’s true that we should be ...

Life Bucket List

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