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Get A Tattoo - Done!

Posted by SunKissedSunKissed

How did it go down?

Got my cats portrait with original floral design by Lauren Winzer at Hunter and Fox!

Did you get help or have company along the way?

Hubby got a tattoo by another artist at the same time!

What made it possible? Any advice?

We organised it in advance. Had done a lot of research on which designs and styles of tattoos I liked. Loved Lauren's ...


Posted by michellemichelle

I got a tattoo!
it says "come as you are"
I love it - It's perfect

Appointment made

Posted by ohshinebrighterohshinebrighter

made my appointment for Thursday June 14th. SO EXCITED :)

My first tattoo

Posted by redroversisredroversis

My first tattoo was an awesome experience! I want to get another one! It was such a rush! If you're thinking about seriously getting one, my advice, JUST DO IT!!

Tattoo Bucket List

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