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Book Bucket LOGS

The Paraphillias

Posted by hlb0403hlb0403


River God

Posted by hlb0403hlb0403


Klara and the sun

Posted by hlb0403hlb0403


Two bipolar chicks

Posted by hlb0403hlb0403


Why am I still depressed?

Posted by hlb0403hlb0403

Finished 6/6/22

Strong Woman

Posted by shmkshmk

After watching the program, The Apprentice on BBC One, I have become a fan of Karren Brady..
So I have borrowed the book written by her from the library and started reading..

Finally some progress...

Posted by GlamRockSocksGlamRockSocks

I've been writing a book for the last ten years so it's not really progress but I have finally realised why so many re-writes. Because the story is just wrong. What happens just doesn't make sense. It's what you want to happen, of course, but it just wouldn't happen. And so, this has now changed. Depression for all, a la G R R Martin. Well, not quite. But we'll see ...

100 Classic Works

Posted by SherlockSherlock

So far I have read 45 classic works of fiction and non-fiction.

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