I love mountains and skiing and adventur...
Eu amo a cultura e música do Brasil
I want to learn more about precolonial L...
Volunteer work is very rewarding and I l...
Beautiful volcano <3
I know I could do it if I set my mind to...
My parents have both done this and it se...
It never rains in California
I wanna go to Japan and ride the bullet ...
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Before I die I want to...
Learn To Snowboard
I love mountains and skiing and adventur...
Visit Brazil
Eu amo a cultura e música do Brasil
Visit Machu Picchu
I want to learn more about precolonial L...
Do Residential Volunteer Work
Volunteer work is very rewarding and I l...
See Mount Fuji
Beautiful volcano <3
Record An Album
I know I could do it if I set my mind to...
Write An Article And Have It Published
My parents have both done this and it se...
Visit California
It never rains in California
Ride A Bullet Train
I wanna go to Japan and ride the bullet ...