I love dancing!!! 10/25/11
Helping others while visiting someplace ...
I need culture before my passport expire...
I love musicals and they say the neon li...
I hope it feels like a fairy tale! 10/25...
Whenever I gain enough weight, I need to...
So Tien will let me come visit her on he...
Why not be fancy at least once? 10/25/11
Adventure! 10/25/11
Let's get some beads and get wild!!! 10/...
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Before I die I want to...
Be In A Flash Mob
I love dancing!!! 10/25/11
Do A Mission Trip
Helping others while visiting someplace ...
Visit 3 New Countries
I need culture before my passport expire...
Watch A Broadway Show
I love musicals and they say the neon li...
Visit All The Continents
Run A Marathon.
Run A 10K.
See The Northern Lights
Visit All 50 States
Go To A Masquerade Ball
I hope it feels like a fairy tale! 10/25...
Donate Blood
Whenever I gain enough weight, I need to...
Ride A Horse.
So Tien will let me come visit her on he...
Fly First Class
Why not be fancy at least once? 10/25/11
Go White Water Rafting
Adventure! 10/25/11
Attend Mardi Gras In New Orleans.
Let's get some beads and get wild!!! 10/...