My goal is to read the entire Bible in a...
My goal is to reach my goal weight and e...
My goal is to buy my first car before I ...
I want to also buy my first apartment! I...
My goal is to have a set career and make...
My goal is to always be around people wh...
Still dreaming? Isn't it time you set your dreams first? Define your dreams as life goals and get help fulfilling your dreams!
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Before I die I want to...
Read The Whole Bible
My goal is to read the entire Bible in a...
Reach My Goal Weight
My goal is to reach my goal weight and e...
Buy My First Car
My goal is to buy my first car before I ...
Buy My First Apartment
I want to also buy my first apartment! I...
Take My Family On A Family Trip!
My goal is to have a set career and make...
Sorround Myself With Loving God Fearing People!
My goal is to always be around people wh...