Have already visited North America, Aust...
Lethargic with what is not yet done.... ...
Occasional bouts of gardening are insuff...
Would like to do this my friend who is f...
Visited Cinque terre 2010 and would like...
Inspired ot do this as see so many strug...
Look forward to biological grandchildren...
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Before I die I want to...
Visit Every Continent On Earth
Have already visited North America, Aust...
Master De-Cluttering Of Home And Office
Lethargic with what is not yet done.... ...
Establish A Relaxing And Useful Garden
Occasional bouts of gardening are insuff...
Visit France
Would like to do this my friend who is f...
Stay In An Italian Village Or Countryside & Experience The Local Culture
Visited Cinque terre 2010 and would like...
Visit My World Vision Sponsored Child In Sri Lanka - Pariththra Charls
Visit My World Vision Sponsored Child In Kenya.- Julian
Write A Book To Help Those Who Visit Nursing Homes.
Inspired ot do this as see so many strug...
Write A Humourous Novel.
Be The Best Grandma To My Surrogate, Adopted And Future Biological Grandchildren
Look forward to biological grandchildren...