Well I'm only 14 but everyone says I'm wise for my age , I'm a bit crazy for doing a bucket list so early in life but I don't know when I'm going to die? So may as well see how much I can achieve in the time I'm here <3 , I'm not to sure what I want in life just for a living memory of me to continue even if its through a child , house , book just something , I want to be happy through my life and want my family to be happy with what I can and hopefully will achieve it, just have to work for it but not forgetting that life is and should be lived as one big party!! <3 if anyone what's to give me a bell email me always checkmy emails everyday <3 nicolemlh@gmail.com
Before I die I want to...
Visit The Famous Prison Alcatraz
I don't know if you can do this but , si...