Peace, love, and happiness
I'm not in the market to adopt a puppy j...
I am half Brazilian, so I want to experi...
I want to mark myself with a symbol that...
I want to go to grad school in the city,...
Still dreaming? Isn't it time you set your dreams first? Define your dreams as life goals and get help fulfilling your dreams!
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Before I die I want to...
Donate $100 Of Wish List Items To Aspca
I'm not in the market to adopt a puppy j...
Kiss Under Mistletoe
Go To Brazil <3
I am half Brazilian, so I want to experi...
Get A Tattoo
I want to mark myself with a symbol that...
Adopt A Dog
I want to go to grad school in the city,...
Give A Homeless Person A Christmas Present
Go To All 50 States