Let's Swap

Get help with your dreams! Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!

Somebody to read and review and criticize my writing.
I will criticize you're writing in return if you'd like.

Requested by Chupito
BucketList Buckaroo: Chupito
Would like ideas of things to try

Requested by tannermom
BucketList Buckaroo: Tannermom
Need some hints on how to travel cheaply.

Requested by tannermom
BucketList Buckaroo: Tannermom
Need help finding a publisher.

Requested by Daphny
BucketList Buckaroo: Saviella
My request is for a gallery to want my art, to share it with other people. Make life a little prettier!

Requested by Phoenix
BucketList Buckaroo: Makingthemusic
A record producer, record company looking for someone to make a deal with it. Funny, right? But I am actually a talented singer/songwriter/music major and ...
A share of the fame and glory :D

Requested by Isaiah
BucketList Buckaroo: Prynces3
I would love to learn how to quilt~I have a machine and basic skills..need guidance..:)

Requested by Dawn
BucketList Buckaroo: Dawnmk3
Guidance or mentorship
My appreciation

Requested by Liz
BucketList Buckaroo: Bamboomoonrising
Help understanding editing practical tips
I am a poet who has a popular "poetry stand" at farmer's markets. I write ...

Costs, places to go to school, diffrent job choices there
Help with anyone elses bucket list!

Requested by kmgrant03
BucketList Buckaroo: Kmgrant03
does anyone know of a place i could volunteer in my detroit area community where there is a great need and not enough people to ...

Requested by VictoriaReid
BucketList Buckaroo: Victoriareid
Any car would be nice. If you know of real cheap cars or someone who doesn't need their car, email me. [email protected]
Money, gratitude, my first born child.

Signing in a band at SRM Milan .. with a crowd cheering me on .. I need to do this to fulfill my list of ...
Well.. I sing by ear.. haven't been in any singing competitions since school though..

Requested by shanmugarao
BucketList Buckaroo: Shanmugarao
I have no idea how to learn sign language. Please if u know tell me...

Requested by shanmugarao
BucketList Buckaroo: Shanmugarao
I'm in madurai. how can i learn surf

Requested by MacKenzieRose
BucketList Buckaroo: Mackenzierose
Anyone that can possibly make this happen.

Requested by David J Griffiths
BucketList Buckaroo: Davidgriffiths
Im looking for some help to record a music CD. It just to give as xmas presents up against the clock as I only have ...
I can accommodate a helpful person in cardiff wales if anyone has a wish in ...

Requested by Americanflower
BucketList Buckaroo: Americanflower
Anyone have any good ideas or a good detective to help me find my mother's father? I've done the online searches with no luck. Any ...

If anyone knows someone to help me get in the magazine?

Requested by Chanel
BucketList Buckaroo: Chanel121
Hey guys! I'm wondering if anyone has gave blood before could tell me what the doctors do after they stick the needles in :( im ...
my thanks :DDD

Asking is the beginning of receiving! Get help!