BucketList Buckaroo |
Hazel Evangeline's Bucket List

Before I die I want to...
Before I Die, I Want To Eat 40 Chicken Nuggets In One Day

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"Growing up, my parents laid down a whole bunch of rules, and some of them were just too much to handle. Like, seriously, they limited me to just 5 chicken nuggets a day, and I could only have 'em once a week! Now, picture this: I'm a die-hard chicken nugget fan, so that was like a personal tragedy. But here's the plan: When I finally get my own place, I'm gonna embark on the chicken nugget adventure of a lifetime. I'm talking 40 chicken nuggets in one go! And guess what? I'll bring along a buddy, probably a dude (maybe a boyfriend), so if my tummy feels like it's about to explode, he'll be there to help out. Hehehehe 😄🍗" Hazel Evangeline

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