Before I die I want to...
Learn To Swim

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443 buckaroos have listed 'Learn To Swim' as one of their life goals:

You literally have a swimming pool at home, no excuses there


I want to learn how to swim. I've always wanted to jump off a diving board, jump of the side of a boat into the water and just be comfortable in the water.


Regularly go swimming in a bid to loose weight and get healthy


Everyone should know how to swim.


Finally get over my childhood and learn to swim


Learn to swim and then snorkel and scuba dive


Just a basic and helpful skill.


I know this is huge for me to enjoy more the oceans/waterfalls/others and be less afraid of them. It's a useful and fun hability :)


Swimming is fun and relaxing and It saves lives so why not ?


I want myself to be ready to fight with the water.


I am hydrophobic and want to get over this fear.


Wanting to travel the world would not be as enjoyable without knowing how to swim


I miss so much snorkeling, and playing with grandkids in the water. I hate feeling limited by fear.


I don't really know how to swim. I really just know how to dog paddle. I regret not learning how to swim when I was a child.


I think this is a skill everyone should have. Good fun and saves life.


I love the water but I lock every time I am in it. I want to be able to jump in the water and swim.


I can swim when its 5 ft deep but not any deeper. I would love to learn how to swim and swim under the water as well.


still do not know how to swim and im 15


I love water and the sea.... Unfortunately I could never quite grasp the skill of swimming...


Since I was a child, being the open water was frightening. Watching the movie JAWS when I was younger didn't help either. Now, I would love to conquer this fear and swim freely...


Learn to not be afraid of deep water.


I'm sure it could come in handy...


Has caused me to avoid certain situations and make others less enjoyable due to this fear on not knowing how to swim.


it's ridiculous not being able to swim
