Before I die I want to...
Fall In Love

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1282 buckaroos have listed 'Fall In Love' as one of their life goals:

I want someone I can really rely on and trust


Those are wonderful feelings if they're genuine.=)


I want to know what it feels like to truly fall in love


I want to live at least one love story in my life. I want to be in love like Rose was in Titanic or like in the Notebook. I want to let my feelings go without any fear of tomorrow and just love. Even if it has to end and does not last forever, I will have to accept that every story has an end but deserves to be lived. I have to accept that I deserve to be loved too.


Who doesn't want to fall in love?


I know my person is out there, just havent met him yet


I have already done this twice. Once I fell in love with Denise Atesoglu and once I fell in love with Viktoria Villanyi.


I want to unite with my soulmate forever


১। অস্ট্রলিয়া ২। কানাডা ৩। নিউজিল্যান্ড ৪। সাউথ আফ্রিকা ৫। আয়ারল্যান্ড ৬। কেনিয়া ৭। ফিনল্যান্ড ৮। ইটালি ৯। গ্রিস ১০।জার্মানি


I've never been in love (despite saying i love you to multiple boyfriends) and i think i really struggle to get to that stage, i really want to feel it though


I want to fall in love with someone


2 marriages w the same man ended in divorce


I want someone to love me as much as I will them, who will do all the romantic and plain nice things that I think of in my head, but nobody will do for me without a little (or huge) nudge (except my bestfriend Rylee). Oh, and who will cuddle with me and give me head kisses and play with my hair and laugh with me and hug me and hold me and show me off and choose me over his friends and look at me in a way that makes me fizzle inside and tell me I'm pretty even though I'm wearing a sweatshirt and a messy bun.


My parents have been together since they were 16 now they are in their 50's.


I want to meet someone and have an epic love story.


I want to love someone ... and live a full fun life. . . some day.


the experience everybody loves to have


I am currently in a relationship with my high school sweetheart who I have known and been in a on and off relationship with for nearly 15 years! We got back together in october of 2014 and have since moved out of state together! I hope that working on our bucket list will give us a new outlook on life by finally acheiving our dreams and not letting toxic people hold us back.


I am 23yr old poor guy from india.I have completed my graduation recently with good record.My dream is to study in United states which is my favorite place on earth i always dream for it day and night and i just pray that god will help me to achieve my destination.unfortunately i belongs to one of the most remotest places of india where education has also lowest quality i improve my english by watching movies and videos online.My dad has very strict nature and i am the only son in the family.So he is highly opposing to Sending me away from town.He is a farmer and does not know the value of education he just wants me to marry soon and settle here and handle the farmer position after him.As a son i have agreed whatever he says i do all the fields and farmer related works on his orders.But whenver i raise my issue of Going for higher education he immediately objects and try to avoids it by saying who will look after me the fields and the possessions i have got from your granDfathers and also advise me to staying here in your town is the best option.But as a human everyone have their dreams in life.I want change in myself i have thirst of education and exploring new places.Is this my mistake to born in a poor background.Sometime i curse myself when my neighbours child go out of town for higher education.I have tried to Convince my father with all my tool by respecting him and obeying him.But i really feeling now that i am assassinating my dreams with my own hands.Many times i feel that god is speaking to me like he is saying"i have given you power gifted you with good mind and good heart in a hope that someday you will serve the humanity by the powers recieved from me now its your fault if you are not taking the stand and stand for yourself".I am just hoping now that one day my dad will know the value of education.My dream is to make his and our family lives even more better than that and i see this oppurtunity only when if by chance i get a chance to study in any university in usa.My dream is to contribute to the society where i belongs to to provide them with good quality education and their life better than today.. Thank you


I want to know what it feels like to love someone and have them love you just as much...


I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life


I mean really fall in love, like perfect for each other, head-over-hills, romanticly happy, passionate liplocking, kind-of-like-the-movies-but-better kind of love, because who doesn't want that?..


I chose to include this because I want someone to spend the rest of my life with. And to basically be my rock/bestfriend.


love is the best gift person can get


wholly, unapologetically, with every fiber, uncontrollably, fall in love.


i really want to fall fro the one but i don't even know yet if they like me


Because we all fear it and all seek it. To find the one that makes you feel like you can be better and safe, there is nothing better.


i have always thought that i was in love with every guy i have been with but i don't think what i was feeling was what it is suppose to feel like


Who doesn't wanna fall in love?


I want to fall crazy in love, so that the world spins when he smiles, so that my heart takes over my head


Before I die I want to fall in love. I want to see why people risk heart break for love.


What sparked my dream? well as a teenage girl we watch all those "chick flicks". Take the notebook for one, look how that boy treated her,what girl wouldn't want that to happen to her. I want to fall in love and I want it to last


I want to meet my soulmate and fall inlove together!


I never have fallen in love before... I want to feel it to believe it :)


Fall in love and stay there. Fall in love with the same person more than once.


I wanted to have someone to love me and care about me.


I want to fall in love....doesn't everyone? :)


Share the life with that one special person, who will be there till the end of my life.


Find someone worth falling for


I wanna fall in love with someone


Its something everyone wants and needs.


This is at the end of my list. Not because it isn't important, but because it will come if I'm back on track and not waiting snaggy for love.


I want a real relationship. One that will last and i'll be happy in and it'll last a long time.

@KatieNTQ I can finally say "I love you" and mean it for the first time.


Doesn't everyone want to fall in love at some point?


I love to watch romance on movies, in books, to see it in real life. I really want to experience it myself! Soon!


Love is one of the ultimate feelings.
