Before I die I want to...
Visit Iceland.

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328 buckaroos have listed 'Visit Iceland.' as one of their life goals:

A dream trip, just don't forget your jacket


I want to visit Iceland, to see the most beautiful nature in the world


I want to see the pure nature of wide nordic landscapes and to walk there enough to fulfill my soul.


It is one of the most beautiful places on earth


Ideally, roadtrip!! Fly into Reykjavik and take the Hringvegur, stop off at places along the way. If not would settle for staying in Reykjavik + taking some day trips.


Go to Iceland to see the country and to learn the history


Visit some cool-ass geological features in Iceland


To see closely an intact, beautiful and primitive nature.


Visit the Northern Lights, Blue Lagoon and whale watching


I want to go to iceland and see the spliting of the boundaries!!!!


I want to visit Iceland--- specifically, the black sand beaches.


the country that produced so many great musicians can only be magical.


I love the landscape of island and i want to ride a horse when i am in iceland


The mere fact that the place looks exactly like the google search images. Plus always wanted to go somewhere which gives the solitude feeling.


Iceland is a dreamy place for me. I want to go there and see a lot of fun things.


I want to see everything in Iceland, seems like such a beautiful country!


Bjork, Sigur Ros, Mum. Enough said.
