Before I die I want to...
Before I Die I Want To Travel Around The World

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56 buckaroos have listed 'Before I Die I Want To Travel Around The World ' as one of their life goals:

I met so many people from different countries already. I've learned about their lives, cultures and many more. That inspired me for my goal to talk to at least one person of each country in the world. Learn about your country, area, life and culture. Help me fulfill it and contact me.


Travel around the world to see more from the world and know more about the world


I want to see everything. The sights in Paris, The Great Wall, Beautiful Beaches, Big Cities, mountains, Everything.


I love challenges, but this one seems rather inpossible without help, I want to travel the world on foot, but I don't know where to get shelter or food as cheap as possible. I want to be an example for people who wants to go on adventures.


Having a road trip around the world.


the idea of freedom,the surrealistic beauty and leaving everything behind
