Before I die I want to...
Go On A Road Trip

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530 buckaroos have listed 'Go On A Road Trip' as one of their life goals:

The road, a car, a camera and my husband.


I love traveling and driving so why would I not want to go on a road trip? I would love to drive across the U.S and stop anywhere I want to stop and see anything I want to see. I would probably go with some friends so it would be more fun.


I'd like to go a road trip someday, with someone I love(best friend, boyfriend, whoever) & no particular destination in mind. Just hope in the car, blast the music & enjoy the ride.


just don't want to stay at the same place all the time


Me and the guys, or a girl, hit the road with no place to go and no time to be their


I just want to go and get out of my everyday routine


With Del, hire a mustang and travel the West Coast of the US.


I want to see the world. Easiest place to start is places I can drive to. It helps having a family all over the states and having a large family to take. First trip planned: Houston to Mississippi (2014) Second Trip: Houston to Idaho (2014) Third/Fourth Trip: Houston to California beaches or Florida Beaches (2015, 2016)


I just wanna get in the car with no destination just ride the back roads no interstate for the weekend


From place to place with no real plan


I just love the idea of the freedom of it!


to take time out and be spontaneous


And bring my real friends with me. That'd be fun.


My best friend who passed away because of cancer wanted to do that with me. So I want to do it fr her, even if she's not here anymore


I haven't been on one in awhile and there is so much of TX I haven't seen yet.


Driving would be chill yoo... cept no radio, like at all


Just the thought of going on a roadtrip with friends is fascinating. So much fun!
