Before I die I want to...
Go To Mexico

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75 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Mexico' as one of their life goals:

i want to see my family and my uncle before he dies


I want to go to Mexico by January 12th, 2019.


id love to be near the beach making new friends dancing around a fire having fun.


I would like to travel to Mexico because I know it's really close. I would like to stay on the beaches of cacun and look at the amazing blue water. I would also want to play soccer in Mexico.


- Copper Canyon. - Sumidero Canyon. - Monarch Butterfly Reserve. - Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. - Whale shark. - Cenotes and underground rivers. - The Sea of Cortez. - Sotano de las Golondrinas. - Cuatro Ciénegas. - Pico de Orizaba. - Day of the dead.
