Before I die I want to...
Go To Egypt

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98 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Egypt' as one of their life goals:

Go to eygpt, see the pyramids and enjoy the culture !


Too se pyramides, and how they lived before.



I have wanted to see Egypt since all those movies with the grandeur of the pyramids. The latest kick being from Transformers.


I want to be there, take as many deep breaths as I can (polluted air or not), walk the streets, get lost in the crowd and meet the amazing people I know there.


From cartoons like Scooby do...the ideas about a mummy got sparked. Pyramids became a fascinating thing to me....So many stories lost in them...Just wanna be there in person n see them..


Vamos a ver las Piramides y navegar el Nilo!


See Pyramid and bring some sand back from there. Ride camel
