Before I die I want to...
Go To A Concert

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618 buckaroos have listed 'Go To A Concert' as one of their life goals:

I would love to go to a Rod Wave concert


Dc the don is my biggest inspiration in life.


COLDPLAY that's it that's the goal


I really want to see Bare Naked Ladies,


I would like to see Stevie nicks or bob jovial live, that’d be dope


I had always wanted to see artists live. Seeing Pink perform when I was 12 was amazing! COMPLETED: Sometime in 2009 (her Australian FunHouse tour!)


see portugal. the man see vance joy


Going to a concert like a pop or rock concert feels like disconnection from all other things. It's a break from life's business and I hope it will make me feel like a truly belong somewhere. (Yes, just like Avicii's 'Wake Me Up' music video.


I want to see the cool entreance


I want to got to a shawn mendes or ed sheeren concert dudeeee.


go to a Melanie Martinez concert and Ed Sheeran


Get to go to a Kpop concert. Probably Exo or Seventeen


I want to go to a huge rock concert, to experience the music live. I haven't been to one yet.


I want to go to a concert because I've never been to one and I want to see one of my favorite artist live.


i just want to go to a concert ok?


I wanna rock out and jump around like nobody's watching


I have never been to one and I have always wanted to feel and experience the atmosphere of one.


I've always had the dream to go a concert since I am a music lover and love the music of so many singer out there.


sunburn maybe.. and dance all night


A Jason Aldean and Gretchen Wilson Concert and meet them personally


Find an awesome concert to go to in Charlotte


I absolutely love music and have always envied those who could afford to go to concerts whenever. I want to feel the excitement and joy that comes from live performances.


-Macklemore -My Brightest Diamonds -Civil Wars -Dolly Parton


I. LOVE. MUSIC...and yet, I've not been to an official concert or festival!!!


I've only been to one concert before, so why not try to go to another before I kick the bucket


i'm 26 and i have never been to a concert before.
