Before I die I want to...
Buy A House

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2280 buckaroos have listed 'Buy A House' as one of their life goals:

Goal Achieved when - I get the keys and move in


I want a house to call my own, a place to feel secure, something mine.


Who doesn't want their own space :)


id love to buy a house for my family that i have when I'm older


I want to buy my own home and furnish it, just the way I like.


with my new family (outside of Canada)


I want to have somewhere to live that isn't someone elses property and I want something to leave my kids when I kick the bucket.


I am hoping that I can just get my Mobile home payed off. I have been diagnosed with stage 3b Lung cancer and I would like to pay off my Mobile home so my wife does not have to struggle.


I have purchased a house before but thanks to the market crash in 2009 I didn't get to keep it. I would like to purchase one already updated this time though.


It would make me very happy to know that my children have somewhere they can call home.


Somewhere that we own to call home. Somewhere where we can build our lives & share many magical moments for our future kids & kids kids


Obviously this is on everyone's list, it gives you some freedom, some security, and a chance to put your personal stamp on somewhere and make it your home.


Save a good amount of money to do this.


Someday when my boyfriend and I get married, I want to have a house for our family! :)


To be able to make a home with my family


Owning our own piece of land with our own home on it would be empowering. We can make as many changes as we like without worrying about a landlord and best of all stop wasting money on rent!


A place of my own means a lot to me. It makes my fingers itch to think I could make a place just perfect.


i need to have the home partner first. Excited to get married so we can plan our dream house soon ;D


I would like to buy a good comfy house


Would like to buy a house to raise my family in!


my mom is getting older and my dream is to have a home with a little one bedroom right off the back of the house so she can be taken care of


A house to call my own, to decorate how I want. I place to make memories with my family.


I want to buy one with the person I love!


i would want to do this within the next 5 years


Saving money to put down on a house one day.


We have lived on board ships in the Navy, the baracks, and apartments,trailers, and houses, but never owned our own "space". We don't want much- a porch, a fireplace, basement, and garage with a yard big enough for a garden. And enough area for our friends and family to visit and park.


A dream house with swimming pool and beautiful garden. I design the inside rooms. I want a small gym and movie party room.


I always wanted to own my own home and call it a place of my own. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be a place I want to turn to when I need my shelter away from the world.


I want to be able to purchase a home one day that is everything we want in a home. No crazy neighbors, adequate in size, and convenient to shopping.


ME MYSELF AND I .... MY house ...with a yard for my dogs :)


Nothing with too many windows... they scare me


It would be nice to have my OWN house.


To own our house. My number one goal.


Rent is my biggest expense, why wouldldn't I want that money to go toward future financial stability?


The American dream to own your own house.


Yes, this is still a goal because this time we want it to be the house versus any house.
