Before I die I want to...
Buy A House

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2280 buckaroos have listed 'Buy A House' as one of their life goals:

My aim by 2028/29 it to have my own home in South of England and to have a place were I’m happy and feel comfortable


I would like a safe place to call my own where I am beholden to only myself. I can change what I like to suite my life.


I want to buy an apartment in the center of Moscow for rent


Private house near the ocean or mountains


I would like to own my own house one day.


I want a peaceful ambience and my own space.


I want to buy a house and design it to my own taste.


I want to own a house and be able to afford to live and be happy


Ngôi nhà nơi chất chứa không khí gia đình trọn vẹn, tôi muốn có nơi để về và cho con cái của tôi có nơi để trở về. Ngôi nhà là nền tảng để cho mọi thành viên trong gia đình nhỏ của tôi vững tâm phát triển và đạt được hoài bão, ước mơ và hoàn thành sứ mệnh từng cá nhân


“It's not how big the house is, it's how happy the home is."


Justin and I designed and picked our home in Kyle. Moved in finally in March of 2022. It's almost everything I've ever wanted in a house. Wish we had a private backyard and front yard landscaping with some palm trees. Wish it was closer to work, but it is pretty much the best other than that.


I would like to have something that I bought with my own money so I feel useful


I wanna own a house someday. And for that, I'll make sure to work really hard.


i want to buy my mom a house one day


i want to buy a house once i'm financially stable. i want this because not many of my family members own their house or even live in one. i don't want to pay rent every month for the rest of my life. i want to have something big to leave behind for my kids when i die.


I would like to buy a house to invite friends and relatives there, arrange friendly evenings, play board games together, relax with my loved ones. It seems to me that many people, including myself, want their own home, so that you have your own space, your own place, where you can stay and live. Additionally, I will be an old woman and there I will have my own garden, which I will look after.


Buying a house is my lifelong dream


Just bought my first place. "Home is where your story begins.."


I want to live on my own so that I can do whatever I want whenever I want, be able to have a pet with me.


বেচে থাকার জন্য আশ্রয় দরকার । আর সেই লক্ষে ১ টা বাড়ি বানানোর স্বপ্ন থাকতেই পারে । আমার স্বপ্ন ১ টা ডুপ্লেক্স বাড়ি । যেটা হবে শহর থেকে অদুরে । লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্যঃ ১। ব্যাংক সেভিংস করা । ২। ডুপ্লেক্স বাড়ির সামনে সুইমিং পুল হবে । ৩। বাগান হবে । ৪। পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্ন , নিরিবিলি মনোরম পরিবেশ । ৫। মা হবে বাড়ির রানী ।


I want to be an independent adult. Moreover Im yearning for my own place to chill in.


Finally bought my new home 4 months ago


I need somewhere to live as adult.


I want to own a home within 10 years. I really want to build a house and customize it too my liking.


I want to learn to budget so we can save and get a mortgage. Any money help that works would be amazing. Especially with one person with poor credit.


I've dreamt of owning my own house since childhood. A medium-size suburban house that gets a lot of sunlight with a vast garden for my dog. It is mostly for my future self to get relaxed and guarantee my old aged self will have somewhere to go.


Would like to own my own house.


I'd love to own my own house for me and my future family


I want to finally have a place of my own. One where I can have pets and a wonderful garden. A place where I have room to put what little I have left and cook without clutter!


I want to invest my money into property towards the end of next year. Hopefully I can make enough money to invest in a good property & finally have some stability.


I want to be independent and have my own ownership of a house


The reason I want to buy a house is because I want to have a family


I want to own my very own home to raise my family in. Knowing its mine and getting to fix it up the way I desire.


It's hard today to be able to afford to own a house. I want to have some place to call home, and that is mine.


something everyone wants to do.


I want a place to live that i own and where i can have a family


Work hard for à while and buy that house


I want a home and a yard of my own to enjoy and watch my three little furbabies run!


To me it's another rung up the ladder of adulthood and achievement.


This is kind of a short term goal. in the next ten-twenty years, I want to have a house of my own. Somewhere that I can have a family and call it my home.


Oneday I saw a home of my dream. Not on add or something, in my imagination. It was a home near sea ans there was a road, and palm trees. And here were my family. My future family. Now I am a student, but I want it became reality.


With a balcony. Decorate so personal sanctuary. Place for books and reading room/space with windows.


I want to own my own house doesnt matter how big or small.


I want to fell accomplished by owning a house


I would love to own my own home on day


I need a place to live and put my stuff.


Search to find our perfect home.


Main house 3 beds all en suite Main with walk in closet, mini kitchen, mini lounge and a rooftop garden to relax in after hours Outside bathroom Boma for private and large get togethers Large Dining area outside for bed n breakfast guests or venue for weddings Small outside chapel for weddings 8 cottages: 1 honeymoon 2 parents of the couple 2 boys n girls - bridesmaids and groomsmen 3 for guests not able to camp or travel CAMPSITES 50 units Farming veggies Cows for milking, butter and cream Chickens for eggs Shop for fresh bread, produce and light lunches Lilly-puts for fertilizer for the crops, water from rain,shower,house for watering and recycling all the stones, plants and so on in either our building or decor as we go along


I want a small house by a park.


I always wanted to buy a house.
