Before I die I want to...
Start My Own Business

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263 buckaroos have listed 'Start My Own Business' as one of their life goals:

i will be an entrepreneur, because within it, i will be able to do great things for the world, for who deserves better life.


I want to open three breakfast coffee shops.


i want to make more money and build network. learn the art of selling and marketing.


Với tôi nghề kinh doanh là một nghề nhân văn nhất mà tôi có thể chọn làm trong cuộc đời này, Kinh doanh giúp tôi phát triển bản thân liên tục mỗi ngày và giúp tôi đạt được tự do về tài chính và thời gian. Tôi giúp được nhiều người khác, trong đó có gia đình tôi và cộng đồng của tôi. Tôi yêu công việc này và muốn thực hiện được một cách thành công nhất, hạnh phúc nhất. Một chủ doanh nghiệp mà nhân viên muốn làm việc cùng và cống hiến trí tuệ của mình ở đó.


The Kawaii Main Character Shoppe (!!!


I would like to do this. Jeff Bezos inspired me.


start my own food buisness, in healthy food


Start a profitable business and expand it.


I want to start a business that can be both for my husband and me as a project of sorts.


Having my own way of profit would be nice.. i can help my family out with financial situation since i just want the best for everyone. also fuck working for other with people


I'm chasing financial freedom and the American dream so I'm working on building up my own small business!


I want to work intensively with food, and I want to cater for my own wedding


I've always wanted to improve the world. I hope to be able to help the world with my own company. The company has to make a positive impact and be sustainable


I want to own a clothing business for kids to create and sell their creations. On the other side of the business, I want to start my own clothing line and sell my creations to support me & my business.


My aim with that to prove to myself if i believe myself and do it, it all works out. Between you and your dreams is only courage!


I want to graduate from college and open my own I.D business.


I want to start my own business (fitness, crafting, etc)


Have my own chains of lounges and bars


Help those in need! Do medical research. Cure rare diseases


I want to take a risk and start my own business


I would love to have the freedom, flexibility, and self esteem building that owning your own business can achieve.


would like to start my own business or be a store manager of a sales enviroment.


A party place where themed parties would be held


Want to work for myself and make something of it


Whether its clothing for women or babies...I love fashion...!!!!


I have also wanted to have my own business with Ti. I know we could do something fantastic together.


I want to be able to work for myself and make my own hours!
