Before I die I want to...
Learn To Play The Guitar

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979 buckaroos have listed 'Learn To Play The Guitar' as one of their life goals:

I have been playing for over 4 years now and it has become a part of my life.


I want to play my favorite songs


I love music, its so healing and I want to be able to harness that energy.


I want to play a guitar for the same reason as surfing.


Seeing my uncle play a bit of guitar


I want to be able to play "Dance with me tonight" by the Wonders on the guitar


Always wanted to know how to music. Would be interesting to see how many instruments I can self learn to play.


I Want to play Hotel California without stopping


যে কোন মানুষের স্মার্টনেস অনেকটা তার এক্সট্রা কারিকুলার দক্ষতার উপর নির্ভর করে । তার ই ধারাবাহিকতায় এবং মন ক প্রফুল্ল রাখতে গীটার শেখার আগ্রহ । আগামি ৩ বছরে আমার ...... লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য ঃ ১। প্রফেশনালদের মতো বাজানো শেখা । ২। .২০০ গান কাভার করা । ৩। ২৫ টা শো করা । ৪। ১০ টা নিজের গান সহ ১ টা এ্যালবাম বের করা । মিউজিক ভিডিও সহ। ৫। ২৫ টা ডুয়েট করা ।


Well... I can't sing so I should prob learn to instrument :P


After college try to learn how to play.


I wish to learn how to play my stepfather used to play, he left me is guitar when he left us. I want to learn as a reminder of him, but I am also scares to learn because my hearing is fading and I will eventually lose it.


I played the violin growing up but I've always wanted to learn the guitar.


Time to actually learn how to play that guitar I've had since my 17th birthday.


Learn to play the guitar like my dad could.


I technically learned to play guitar in highschool but not fluently. I don't really remember anything I learned because I had major difficulty playing most chords due to my hands being small and the neck of the guitars at my school were VERY wide. I want to buy a ukulele or an nice acoustic with a thin neck when I have the finances to do so.


I want to learn to play guitar since I was a child


I love music and would love to be able to play an instrument for others.


Want to learn at least 3 Instruments


Wanted to have another hobby :)


learn to play guitar in different styles currently i only focus on blues but trying to learn to play more styles of music and maybe form a band i end up taking some courses also did a review on what i found the best ones here


I actually dedicated my time & effort on learning the guitar & achieved this goal within a few months! I love to play the guitar not as frequently as I did then but I'm really grateful to have the basics down, It's a good skill to have & fun to do.


I've been wanting to learn how to play guitar for a while. I've been taking voice lessons for two years and my teacher just offered to teach me to play guitar so that I can write my own songs. I'm hoping I'll be able to play well in a few months.


I love singing so learning to play guitar will help me to really enjoy what i sing.I think it will improve my charecter a lot.


i want to learn to play guitar and write a song and perform it at a bar.


One of my passions is music and i have always wanted to learn many instruments.


Ive always hankered to be able to play an instrument and Piano and Guitar are top of the list. Ive had guitars for 40 years so I should make the effort to play them soon.


Finally learn to play the guitar properly


Playing as a kid i used to love it and now i want to get back in to it.


Take lessons, practice daily, do whatever I need to do to make music!


Love that sound wish I could play it


I really love the sound of the Guitar, And learning how to play the guitar has always been a dream of mine.


starting a class now for this dream


boyhood dream of becoming a Rock god


I have purchased a guitar and even started lessons. Now I need to refocus myself on this bucket list item.


My dad, sister, brother, and uncle all play.


Learn to play Alex Care - Too Close


I've been taking lessons but I'm terrible at it.


I want to be that girl that knows how to play the ukelele


would love to learn to play a guitar something i wanted to do for years


I want to be able to play fairly well on the guitar. My boyfriend bought me a Squire with Fender strings. Now I need to learn and practice. Ball's in my court.


Music is a big part of my life, I love guitar music and i'd like to create my own music :)


Music has always soothed my savage beast so to speak. But what really ignited my passion was the movie "Once". A very popular Indie film about a Busker who falls in with a young Czech girl, and a guitar. The moment I sensed this film I was hooked. I bought a guitar soon after, but unfortunately I don't have the time or resources to learn. Some day ... a girl can dream.


I really love music that's why I want to learn to play at least one musical instrument.


I have always wanted to play an instrument and had some success with the clarinet but the guitar is just so much...cooler! Also I think that if at this age I could learn to play an instrument would show that I can triumph over my procrastintory ways.
