Before I die I want to...
Volunteer In A 3Rd World Country

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438 buckaroos have listed 'Volunteer In A 3Rd World Country' as one of their life goals:

It would be amazing experience to help other people as well as go to another country to do that.


Want to do something that will actually make an impact upon someone else's life not just my own


(Sierra Leone maybe, where we built a school)


Have wanted to do this for years but it means leaving the kids for a bit, so as soon as they are old enough I want to do this..


It would be such a joy to help others do the right thing :)


Many people have it far worse than I do, it's important to know this and help where I can. It's a dream to travel and help the less fortunate receive things they deserve, and the smiles of their face would be absolutely priceless and well as the experience!


In the United States we are so fortunate. On a daily basis I take for granted having a roof over my head, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. In other countries people do not even have clean water to drink yet I demand superficial items. I want to make a difference in someones life, a real difference...something they will remember forever. I do not want anything in return.


Volunteer overseas in an orphanage


I want to put other in front of me and do something that i now will change there lifes.


I have 6 Sponsored Children in the Phillippines and i'd love to do something to help other's.


I'd love to work with underprivileged children and inspire them.



I went on a mission trip to Equador and loved it. I want to make the lives of others better and be less self focused. I want to share with them what has made my life complete, Jesus!


Be the change you want to see in the world


Give something back to those less fortunate only money prohibits this.
