Before I die I want to...
Go To Prom

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98 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Prom' as one of their life goals:

I have done this. I went to the Junior Prom and The Prom my senior year at Potsdam High School, in Potsdam, N.Y., U.S.A.


fazer mestrado, terminar a graduacao e se preparar para o futuro


Relive prom but as adults. A reason to dress up fancy and dance


I wanna go to hoco and prom before I'm 20.


Like I said I have really high expectations for Prom so I am really excited to see it and have fun with my friends


This is probably my last chance to go to a school dance ever.


Dress modestly, but be amazing.


I never got the chance to go to Prom as a child, so I would like to go to Prom with my Husband.
