Before I die I want to...
Visit The Grand Canyon

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2133 buckaroos have listed 'Visit The Grand Canyon' as one of their life goals:

My daughter and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon in August 2018. We took the train from Williams, AZ into the Canyon. That place is just breathtaking!!


“There will never be a photograph of the Grand Canyon that can adequately describe its depth, breadth, and true beauty”


This was on my last trip to Vegas with Nathan. We watched the sunset, I did breakdancing and oddly enough bought a book on death at the grand canyon. The place looks like a painting where sky meets Earth and I'd love to go back.


The Grand Canyon is iconic. I would like to visit it.


My trip to Salta in Argentina inspired me to see the Canyons in de US


The Earth is so beautiful. I want to explore and see all of it.


I've been to America a lot of times, but i never did the regular tourist things and this is definitely one of them.


The Grand Canyon is one of the most well-known places in the U.S. I haven't been there before, but I'd like to see it in person.


A plane flight over the Grand Canyon and a year later a helicopter flight with breakfast in the canyon.


I would like to see a lot of nature


One stop on my quest to visit as many NPS properties as I can!


Enchant me with a stunning and wonderful view.


Connect with the desert and camp and explore with my dog.


I've always dreamed of traveling all over the country. Mostly visiting all of the National Parks.


My lifelong dream is to travel the world.


I've already been to to Grand Canyon, but only for a few hours. I'd love to spend a few days there and walk in the Canyon itself, walk on the Skywalk, and take a helicopter ride into the canyon.


Family vacation, beautiful view, VERY HOT


I want to start an organization for service dogs for MS. I live with Multiple sclerosis and having service dogs have made my life easier. I want the same for others.


Visit the Grand Canyon, and experience the views and colours that it brings with it.


Maybe Helicopter over. Go down into it.


Not only do I want to visit I want to hike the Grand Canyon & raise money while doing so for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation - I need a cure for MM!


To go to the Grand Canyon during Spring / Summer in 2017


I'd like to visit all of US's greatest attractions before I die.


Always wanted to hike down and camp at bottom. Too old for either but still want to sit on a blanket with a book a and drink and gaze.


I want to visit the Grand Canyon at least once. It's something I've wanted to see in person for a long time.


The Grand Canyon is a once in a life time visit.


See the biggest hole in the World.


South Rim: Day Hike - Rim trail (21km - flatish) Hermit Road - 11km 5 hours Drive the 40km dessert view drive (picnic spots etc) NOrth Rim: Hikes Drives


What a beautiful landscape it must be absolutely amazing in real life!


Learned about it in school was amazed by its history.


Every western movie ever. I would love to go on a proper camping style holiday along the canyon as opposed to a day trip thing


This will be part of my trip to Las Vegas! Always wanted to go and see how vast this area is! Maybe take in a helicopter ride (another item to add to my bucket list)


I always wanted to go to Grand Canyon. I have heard so many talks about it. I love nature. A friend who has visited many places internationally once told me that in her opinion the only place really worth seeing in united state is Grand Canyon.


This is something my father has always wanted to do. I hope I get the chance to take him there with me.


I'm from Arizona and have never been to the Grand Canyon! It's kinda sad.


Meant to be breathtaking have to go and see it myself will def see it in my lifetime


I went in the winter, camping in the snow :oD It was beautiful but I was oddly underwhelmed, I think I had heard so much hype for so long, ah well there it goes. I do plan to go back to the states and see the thinks I missed so maybe I will go back, give the place a second chance.


What a beautiful national park! I would love to see it with my own eyes!


I love nature and I love to travel, so I'd like visit many National Parks. I want to go on the Imperial Air Tour, the Raft/Slot Canyon Tour, and maybe the North Rim Mule Trip. I'd like help deciding what tours are the best "bang for your buck". :)


I want to visit all of the great places this country has to offer, and to revel in God's glory in nature.


The movie Grand Canyon when I was a kid.


I want to hike through the grand canyon so bad


Definitely a life long dream to do this


goes along with seeing all 50 states
