Before I die I want to...
Visit France.

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130 buckaroos have listed 'Visit France.' as one of their life goals:

I have done this four times. The first time I went here was for the year that I was in fifth grade. I spent the year in Chartres at this time, with my mom and sister. My mom recieved a Fullbright to do a teacher exchange. My mom was a French teacher in the United States, and the woman we did the exchange with was an English teacher in Nogent-le-Rotrou, France, which is a small town near Chartres. The second time I went here was to go to summer camp. I think it was in Central France. The third time I went here was to visit a friend in ~7th grade in Souance-sur-Perche, outside of Nogent-le-Rotrou, for two weeks. The fourth time I went here was in high school as part of my Potsdam High School's French Exchange. We went to visit Nogent and Nogent high school students came to visit us. I have travelled all over Northern France, seeing all its major cathedrals and castles, visiting Mont-St.-Michel and all of Northern France's major tourist attractions; and visiting Normandy and Brittany. I am fluent in French and bilingual. I have made many connections with French people over the years.


Swim in the Verdon Gorge, France


I have a relative who lives in Paris who I would very much like to meet over there. As well as get to check the city out, any cool architecture or buildings. Gotta see those catacombs too and I hear they have the worlds biggest anime convention in July


There are so many interesting things about this country that would take weeks to explore even a fraction. History, culture, language, clothing, neighborhoods, castles. These are just a few of the things I'm looking forward to on this trip. Ideally, I'd like to go within the next three years.


I would love to visit France one day.


Visit France with the love of my life


Architecture, beauty, language, history


Would like to do this my friend who is familiar with Paris.


Because of the architecture , the landscape, the food, the language and the people. Visit Paris, Bordeaux, Burgundy...etc


I've always been a fan of culture and languages and France definitely holds my interest. I'd love to spend a whole season there. Working and living.


The French culture and language has always been a subject of interest to me. Visiting the place where it all started would be unbelievable!
