Before I die I want to...
Chase A Tornado

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85 buckaroos have listed 'Chase A Tornado' as one of their life goals:

Not only do I want to see a tornado, I'd also like the chance to chase one. To see a tornado from life to death would be astonishing.


I always had a passion for storms, I love watching them. The more dangerous, the more exciting. I’ve always wanted to be a storm chaser. I’d love to chance one 🌪


I have always been fascinated with the Forces of nature. Chasing a Tornado will be the ultimate kick.


I would love to see a Tornado on the ground with my own eyes.


I watched a movie called 'into the storm' and found this idea interesting


Ever seen those caveats on TV that read “Professional: Do not try at home”? Well, this one’s kinda like that! Chasing a tornado (with an experienced, veteran professional, mind you)—sometimes dubbed ‘the finger of God’—is one of the most riveting, adrenaline-pumping experiences ever. Ride along with a veteran driver and observe—up close and [possibly too] personal—one of mother nature’s most brutal, yet shockingly beautiful and grandiose shows. But again, only go with an experienced storm chaser.


My number one goal in life. I have been fascinated by Tornadoes since before I can remember. I have never witnessed a real tornado, but it would be an absolute dream come true.
