Before I die I want to...
Write A Book

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2065 buckaroos have listed 'Write A Book' as one of their life goals:

I want to have at least started to write a book if not already written in one year. Maybe an autobiography, thriller, or crime.


I've always wanted to write a book, even a short story!


Tô có một sở thích chính là viết lách và truyền cảm hứng cho người khác để họ có cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn. Chính vì vậy, viết ra những trải nghiệm kinh nghiệm và kiến thức mà bản thân tôi có được để chia sẻ cho người khác chính là điều mà tôi thấy hứng khởi, vui vẻ mà mang nhiều năng lượng tích cực. Và có lẽ đây cũng chính là sứ mệnh của tôi đến với cuộc đời này.


I wanna write my first book with my whole heart poured into it, without thinking about fame, or being restricted, just raw creativity but something I will be proud of and hopefully it would send the messages I wanted to convey and even impact just one person, that person can be me.


This is my biggest dream to write a book and have it published. I want to write about my life and my life experiences. Also my experience living with rare disease. Some days I can write. Others I can't. I hope I can achieve this goal and it will be good enough to be published. I would like to raise awareness about my condition and maybe inspire other people


I would like to be an investigator and write a book about the inequalities around the world, also I would like to write academics articles


I want to complete a book and put it on the market, even if just self published


to write a book about my life as a teen


There are many subjects one as myself could dedicate a book to. This will be the hardest part: defining, deciding and targetting.


I wanna write. This idea has gone from I wanna write fiction, to I wanna write factual atlas type books, to wanting to write for children. Either or. I want to write and produce books.


I have written three books. They are available for sale on They are Kindle books. I always wanted to be an author, more or less.


I really like reading and I would love to be able to create something like that


About one thing i'll have mastered by then


I love to write, and have written many stories in the past. Nothing published though. Still I would like to write a book that can either tell my story or the stories of fantasy adventure I attempted at over the years.


It's a unique looking beach with pink sand, my favorite color. I'd love to collect some of the sand and keep it as a little keepsake.


Write a book because I like to imagine stories


Don't know exactly what sparked me, but I know some day i want all my ideas and thoughts to be gone public


I love books. Writing a book has been something I’ve always wanted to do but I have no idea how to even begin


বই মানুষের জীবনের অমূল্য সম্পদ । পরকালিন সদকায়ে জারিয়াহ এই বই । ভালো কিছু বই লিখে মানুষকে উপকার করতে পারাতে জীবনের সার্থকতা । আগামি ৫ বছরে আমি ১০ টা বই লিখবো এই আমার অঙ্গিকার । যে রকম বই লিখবঃ ১। অনুপ্রেরনামুলক বই ২। শিক্ষামূলক বই ৩। ধর্মীয় বই ৪। অনুবাদ বই । ৫। উপন্যাস বই


I have always wanted to be a writer but still finding my courage to write.


I am an absolute bookworm, and I would love to be able to write and maybe even publish my own book.


Sometimes my life looks like a drama so if I wrote a book, it would be for teenagers with life advice


Always wanted to write a book to inspire people.


Love writing, and I would love to write a book ... maybe on motivation or "100 things I wish my mother told me"


Because of how my life came to be since I was born. Have a lot of stories to tell.


I like writing and need something other than painting to keep myself occupied


I like writing and enjoy doing it


Write any kind of book and have it published before I turn 30


Would like to write a book based off the entreprenurial business ventures that I have been part of in my life time.


I want to takk about my life, my mental health, relationships, ... What I come through.


I want to write a book about willpower and how you can actually aim for your goals and dreams and actually succeed. I want people to rethink their route in life and just invest their precious time in themselves more than their day job.


Use the proper style. There is a specific writing style that is necessary for writing a proper synopsis. ... Make sure you hit the most important points. ... Avoid wordiness. ... In my personlification it is a rewarding experience for the creative person.


I love writing but I’m always to lazy to write something for others than myself. I want to change that


I love writing, time to stop procrastinating!


I would like to write a criminology book


Write a children book for family members and friends expecting a newborn.


I want to take my readers to a whole new world and show them what i have in my mind.


I always want to create my own story.


I love writing. It's all my life.


I want to finish a piece of fiction I'm working on right now and write a popularization of something science-y.


(Apocalypse) I want to write a book!!!


My own life has been such a wonderful and traumatic ride, I want everyone to sit back and enjoy my story!


When I was young reading was my "fun", I would love to create that peace for someone else


I want to write several books. A cookbook, a book on autism, an autobiography.


Books are a way to experience things you other wise would most likely not of. I wish to inspire a group of people in some way.


I've always wanted to write a book because i feel like when i write i want to connect with people so i really want to write an amazing book that people get inspired from reading.


I want to write a book on my journey to here so far. I've always felt like I'm meant to do this for some reason. I want to be able to face myself & write out my abusive history to be able to move forward in my life & hopefully help someone else if they need identification, so it wasn't all just a waste of time. So I can make the past an asset not a burden.


I've always wrote, and I love the idea of publishing one day.


I think writing a book would be awesome. It might not be the experience I imagine, but I think it would make me feel more productive.


I'd love to live from my passion!
