Before I die I want to...
Get A Masters Degree

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310 buckaroos have listed 'Get A Masters Degree' as one of their life goals:

I want to become the best in my carrier


Get my Masters degree in accounting


I want to get a master degree in European Studies. My goal is to be a researcher in this field. Possibly I want to have a career which is in line with history, creative writing, and Europe. It's always my dream to spend my adult life in Europe.


masters in psychology, to start my career well


I started it, now it's time to finish the MBA in order to be more marketable and well rounded.


I want a master's degree in certain fields because I want to be taken seriously and be respected by the field community.


I'm child development or special education.


Get a master's in either: - Acting - Politics - Human Resources - Theatre - Human Rights - International Relations


Going to school is fun. I never want to stop learning.


I would never be able to get anywhere in life without one
