Before I die I want to...
Travel To Japan

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236 buckaroos have listed 'Travel To Japan' as one of their life goals:

I want to travel to different places and eat all the food. I want to learn the language. I'd love to collect all the Eki stamps, try crazy vending machines and visit mount Fuji


Travel for at least 2-3 weeks to sightsee, experience the culture, and taste the foods.


Snowboard, hike Mt Fuji, eat amazing food, visit a resort village


Compare real-life with anime. Mostly visiting the countrysides. Eating lots of such and ramen!


I just really wanna travel to Japan. It's something I've always been fascinated by


Always wanted to go and see my heritage.


I have always admired the Japanese culture. Beautiful People and a beautiful Country.


Living in a third world country is not what you wished for though we're still blessed with good nature and good people. Neighbored with Japan and seeing through social media how clean it is made me want to learn the culture and traditions of Japanese people on how they reach at that point, being so clean and law abiding. it's their practice i want to learn so that I can share their awesomeness to the extent of my ability. I always dreamed of someday all people will learn from the way Japanese handle their trashes 'cause i always believe that cleanliness is next to godliness and that's how you earn awesomeness.


The summer of 2019, my school is taking students to Tokyo, Japan. This is the cheapest a two-week stay in Japan will ever be-$2,500. I've managed to raise about 1/5 of the required funds on my own, but I only make $7.25 an hour. My passion for the Japanese language and culture stretches back to when I was in kindergarten. My class took a small trip to the high school down the street, where the Japanese class helped us make bookmarks, write our names in Japanese, and have fun with Japanese culture. Ever since then, my interest in the far eastern cultures has burned quietly within me, until the chance to learn the language presented itself. Now, three years later, my love for the strange and exotic culture and language of Japan is ever growing. I hope to explore this passion to it's fullest, starting with a two week stay with a host family in Tokyo, Japan.


I want to travel all over Japan and visit places like tokyo, harajuku, hiroshima, etc. I want to shop, visit shrines, do mari car, ride a bullet train, go to yunessun, and more!


Learning a bit of the language inspired me to visit Japan and experience its culture


I want to travel to Japan more than any other country in the entire world! I have been so intrigued by the gorgeous architecture, beautiful natural surroundings and amazing culture! To be honest my dream is to live in Japan, I just love how serene every vlog of japan seems, I love the food and it just seems nicer and safer than the US. I have been learning Japanese as of 2018 and I watch educational documentaries and vlogs of Japan and people living there who talk about what it is like immigrate and the customs they had to adapt to.


I want to see the cherry blossoms in Japan in the spring.


I have always wanted to go to the Inari Shrines as well as visit the Fox Village (MIYAGI ZAO),. I also want to visit Aoshima (Cat Island), and Gujo Hachiman (City of Water).


I want to tour Japan with my dad after watching a Joanna Lumley documentary and falling in love with the physical country and culture.


Just because I want to be lost in translation and go to another blue zone.


I'm addicted to Japanese fashion and culture, so going there to photograph the many sights seems natural.


I've been learning Japanese since I was 8 years old, and I've always loved the language, popular culture, food, and traditional culture.


I want to know Japanese culture, such as tea ceremony, gardens, calligraphy


I've always been fascinated with Japanese culture when I got into Anime/Manga. Rather than sitting at home and watching anime or reading manga (which I love, don't get me wrong), I actually want to travel there one day and experience the culture, festivities, language, etc. They have some of the most amazing cities and sceneries I've ever seen, not to mention the cherry blossoms there are so beautiful!
