Before I die I want to...
Drive Route 66

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442 buckaroos have listed 'Drive Route 66' as one of their life goals:

I've wanted to take this trip since I was a kid. I don't want to miss out on the American tradition.


I've driven other highways from beginning to end, and I feel like I wouldn't be a real road tripper if I'd never done this one.


Get on the road and drive Route 66 across the country.


Drive from Chicago to LA. Do it long - taking in the amazing places on the joruney


Road trip like a native. Live the American dream! See the extreme: from the desert to the icy mountains.


I want to drive all of Route 66 because it is a dream of mine to travel across the country. It's also one of the most historical roads in the country.


I would like to spend some time living and working in America, which obviously has to include driving the iconic Route 66


I want to see the cadillac graveyard!


i love cars and i heard route 66 was a good road to drive i want to go fast and drive difficult roads


This sounds like fun. I don't know that I want to drive all the way to California but maybe for a while.


Route 66 has always amazed me. I thought it would be extra great to drive it myself one day....


For the longest time i lived in amarillo and Ive just always wanted to see the rest of route 66


on a motor bike, a black Harley Davidson Fat Boy
