Before I die I want to...
See The Grand Canyon

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388 buckaroos have listed 'See The Grand Canyon' as one of their life goals:

I have been all over the world and now I want to see something that is in our Country


Complete the South Kaibab Trail.


This was something my Dad wanted to do but didn't get to before he passed.


I want to see all sides of the Grand Canyon, and I want to see the night sky there too!


i want to see god's beautiful work and i want to stand there admire it and yell and here my echo


i want to see the beauty of the Grand Canyon view <3


One place I always wanted to visit and see


I live so close but have never gone to see it in person


I saw it when I was 4. I hope to see it as an adult.


to see one of the most beautiful sites in the world. before i see the eternal beauty of heaven.


I lived in Arizona and never went to see it. I know, ridiculous...


I have always wanted to see the Grand Canyon and other landmarks across the country. It fascinates me.


I have traveled all over the world, but this is pretty close to home, i need to see it.


My Mother said she always wanted to take a girls trip to see this together. I like to imagine she has some deeply set, emotional, spiritual, and sentimental reason for taking me here.
