Before I die I want to...
Learn To Cook

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232 buckaroos have listed 'Learn To Cook' as one of their life goals:

Start cooking for me and my friends.


My goal is to learn to cook because right now I can't cook but I want to go to the Community College of Philadelphia and study culinary arts.


I have done this. I know how to cook.


I don't know how to cook and it's something super important to know


I'd like to cook diferents meals and enjoy with my family and friends. I guess the food aproach people.


I want to make great and healthy meals


I somehow feel I would love cooking


I cannot cook to save myself, even the basics. I want to learn how to, so I can cook for myself when I move out of home, and for others so I can host dinner parties!


This is just something which has always appealed to me, but I've never gotten around to doing.


Macaroni and cheese is my specialty...need I say more? :)


I'm getting married in February, and I would like to provide satisfying meals for my husband. Once we have children this goal would need to have been completed, as my children would never be allowed to eat junk.


My mothers great cuisine sparked this dream, so my kids are able to have a taste of northern Iranian cuisine.
