Before I die I want to...
Learn To Play An Instrument

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179 buckaroos have listed 'Learn To Play An Instrument' as one of their life goals:

I want to try to learn any music instrument (I will have to be able to play at least one piece)


It seems to me that the ability to play an instrument develops every person. I can play the guitar and ukulele a little now, but I always wanted to learn how to play drums, oboe, saxophone or tuba.


I would like to be able to learn to play at least one instrument to show to myself that I can.


I love music, Hope you love it too. if Yes, I would love to Play for You Someday.


I want to learn to play guitar or Ukulele for now.


which instrument? for a long time I thought it would be piano but i fell in love with viola da gamba thanks to the maestro Jordi Savall and his music. Hard to find a viola teacher though!


I wanna learnt o play the drums, piano, guitar and possibly flute.


Something easy... Ukulele maybe?


The guitar, drums, trumpet or other instrument


I think it is just a cool skill to have ... Piano, Guitar, Drums etc


I would like to play an instrument


I have always wanted to play something but my parents never put me in any lessons.


I would like to learn to play the piano. I have always wanted a piano.


Done! My mom used to own an old Magnus organ back in the 70's and I'd play around with it as a kid. Found one for sale and learned to play pretty decent (at least to the point where the neighborhood dogs stopped howling!)


Any instrument, and play it well. The more random the better.
