Before I die I want to...
Fly A Plane

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406 buckaroos have listed 'Fly A Plane' as one of their life goals:

I want to be like you, grandpa.


Just never had a chance nor afford it


I want the experience of something my boyfriend loves so we can share it together and it sounds scary since I'm afraid of heights


I dreamed about it. Now I want to do it. The chick I went sky diving with was working on getting her pilot's license. She's nearly 2 decades younger than me. She inspired me to go after that experience.


Helped others fly, brother and uncle own planes, never done it myself.


To be able to say that I did it


My grandma as a birthday gift set up a flying trip with a guy in Michigan to fly a plane. We went up together in a 2 seater and I flew the plane all by myself. There are pictures and I recieved a certificate of completion that I believe my mother has!


Learn to fly a plane, complete an unassisted flight
