Before I die I want to...
Hike The Pacific Crest Trail.

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26 buckaroos have listed 'Hike The Pacific Crest Trail.' as one of their life goals:

I want to grow as a backpacker, and in the long run hike the PCT! For now, take shorter trips as I'm able, and develop skills, strength and confidence. Would be great to have help! I want to go on a solo backpacking trip each year, progressively challenging.


I want to through hike the PCT. I will do it solo, or if I ever find a suitable hiking partner, I will consider not solo. What inspired me? That is two fold: 1. I hiked the Colorado Trail in 27 days, and loved every moment of it, yes even the pain. 2. I recently had a very close call with the grim reaper, and I know that he can come knocking at any moment. What's holding me back? $$. I have started a five year plan to which I will set aside the necessary funds to pay my bills for 6 months as well as finance the trip. Time and money, money and time. Always the challenges that keep us from our goals.


A solo hike with my dog north or south bound on the pacific crest trail to bring me closer to nature, myself, and my independence.
