Before I die I want to...
Buy A Car.

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425 buckaroos have listed 'Buy A Car.' as one of their life goals:

my family won't have to struggle with the weather


I want to buy a Porsche convertible


I want to be able to buy multiple cars, and also make money off them.


I would like buy a car with my own money


I need a car to get places. and I just want to buy my own


I want to buy a car so that i go to trip with my loved ones


Buy the person who is always giving to others and is putting her life on hold for me and got scammed out of her dream after spending over $30,000


i want to buy my own car one day


I want to have my own car and improve my driving skills so I can travel alone or with friends to different destinations


be able to have your own car, to visit magical towns


Never felt the need to buy a car, using bikes and public transport. But when the time is right and I buy a car, it will be my dream car.


গাড়ি যদি কিনতে হয় তো ল্যাম্বরগিনি কিনব । লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্যঃ ১। ড্রাইভিং শেখা । ২। টাকা সঞ্চয় করা । ৩। গাড়ি কেনা । ৪। লং ড্রাইভে যাওয়া । ৫। গাড়ির যত্ন করা ।


あなたはそれほど明白にせずにあなたの家やオフィスのセキュリティを向上させることを考えたことがありますか?これを実現する方法が複数あるかどうか疑問に思うかもしれませんが、最も秘密のオプションの1つは、非表示のカメラBluetooth小型スパイカメラーをインストールすることです。 これらの個別のデバイスは、家庭監視を新たなレベルに引き上げ、漏出することなく乳母、子供、または可能性のある泥棒の世話をする「隠れた目」を確実にします。彼らはあなたが疑いを引き起こさずに起こっているすべてを記録することを可能にし、同時にエンターテイメントセンターになっています。 だから、もしあなたがこの考えをすでに考えているなら、これがあなたが答える最も近い答えです!以下のコメントでは、隠しカメラ付きの市場で最高のBluetoothスピーカーを検討しました。 40時間の研究の後の最良の全体的な選択はコ隠しカメラです。この特別なガジェットはスタイリッシュなデザインで、さらに検討するために部屋のどこにでも置くと決めると、偽装することができます。


By myself a car using the money I earnt


Get my driver's licence and have my own car so that I can go wherever I want whenever I want


Buy a car before the age of 23 ;)


I want to buy my dream car by this time next year. At least my first dream car definitely not my current dream car.


I want to buy my own vehicle so that I do not need to depend on others all the time.


I want to buy a car by the end of the year. Preferably a new car (The one I have my eye on is the Hyundai Creta)


I have been driving the same car for ten years and it is starting to cost me money to maintain it. I have always had someone help pick out and make a decisions on what car to buy. This time I want to make the decision myself and get the car that I want and not have to settle for something that I don't like.


Car is more a necessity rather than an asset nowadays.Hope to buy one soon.


I have never owned a car I picked out for me


Buy a car so I can drive everywhere


I really want to buy a pink car for my first ever car. :)
