Before I die I want to...
Complete A 365 Project--Take A Photo A Day For A Year

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259 buckaroos have listed 'Complete A 365 Project--Take A Photo A Day For A Year' as one of their life goals:

Have to document my transition, right ?


I just saw people doing it and i think it looks cool.


Stick to a task! Start on July 1, 2017


Going to start this on June 1st 2016


It would be neat to do. A big commitment, but neat.


Only take pictures of interesting things though


Will start in my birthday 11 march 2013 and complete 11 march 2014 ... Document my 22nd year!!!


Capture the beauty before it's forgotten


I'm always interested in this kind of stuff.


By myself with someone i love or a complete stranger but i have to take it and i have to e in it.


Reflection on a whole year in images can help one learn a lot about themselves.
