Yellowstone, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, California...scenic sites. Grand Canyon, Area 52, Chimayo, Taos, Truth or Consequence, El Paso, Galveston, Houston, Del Rio - see a friend, Washington, Motana. Trip down south...Louisiana, Kentucky - see family, Grand ol Opry, Florida - Havana nights, florida keys, Orlando, Jacksonville - see family, Alabama - see bama play, Biloxi, MS
always wanted to visit the USA, i love traveling
Want to see the 'real' America. Would love to have a Thanksgiving or Christmas or even Halloween in the States. Also want to go to Vegas :)
I want to be able to see places that aren't on the map or aren't big time places, but are just as amazing.
would love to travel across country with a few friends somewhere to the east coast. I want to travel and see our beautiful country!
Fear and Loathing kind of sparked this.