Before I die I want to...
Travel To Thailand

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53 buckaroos have listed 'Travel To Thailand' as one of their life goals:

Travel for at least 2-3 weeks to sightsee, experience the culture, and taste the foods.


I want to visit Phuket Island and have lots of food. Must get a Thai massage as well.


it's not an expensive country to visit to and its beaches and night lifes are great based on feedbacks. I wanted to see their temples and statues that have been preserved for years. I want to cure my curiosity on why Thailand's tourism's been booming through the years.


Thailand is a BEAUTIFUL country that I would love to explore. I hear that this is the best destination to start with if you are a backpacker or are looking for an exotic place to visit. Thailand is very affordable and many tourist locations have people who speak english so there is practically no language barriers especially since you are very likely to find other backpackers here regularly.


Thailand is so diverse in culture and beauty. I have to experience it for myself.
