Before I die I want to...
See The Ocean

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45 buckaroos have listed 'See The Ocean' as one of their life goals:

Having a near drowning experience and being somewhat afraid of water I did learn how to swim. I want to see this massive body of water and experience that feeling of being so small surrounded by something so beautiful.


I first saw the ocean in Cocoa Beach, Florida on December 1996 when Darryl and I celebrated our anniversary. We took our children to see the ocean for the first time in Gloucester, Massachusetts on a Whale Watching tour.


I've never been remotely close to an ocean, so I'd really love to see one of them.


What an awesome sight! Saw the Atlantic for the first time in 2009 on a trip to Virginia Beach. The vastness still amazes me...the ocean is so HUGE and beautiful!


I've wanted to see the Ocean since I was a little girl. I used to want to see it a certain way but that somehow got lost within the midst of 10 years passing (if that makes sense). I know which Ocean I'd like to see for the first time but just to see the ocean itself would be super wonderful for me. I'd also like to watch the sunset and sunrise in this place also.
