Before I die I want to...
Before I Die, I Want To Re-Create One Of Jamie's Bucketlist

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Only one buckaroo has listed 'Before I Die, I Want To Re-Create One Of Jamie's Bucketlist' as a life goal.

I remember this one time, I was sitting quietly next to my mom, and we were watching this movie called 'A Walk To Remember.' So, here's the scoop: The girl's got this adorable boyfriend, and she's, well, not doing too great health-wise. 😒 But the thing is, she's got this super cool bucket list, and one of the items is 'To be at two places at the same time.' I mean, how genius is that, right? I totally want to copy that idea! Even though her boyfriend kind of outsmarted her in the movie, it was all so sweet. So yeah, count me inβ€”I wanna be in two places at once too! πŸ˜„πŸŒŸ
