Before I die I want to...
Sue Iowa Dhs

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Only one buckaroo has listed 'Sue Iowa Dhs ' as a life goal.

I want to Sue Iowa DHS because, they lied, falsified documentation, terminated my parental rights because of parental substance abuse even though I never failed a drug test for them I even passed my hair stat. They assumed I was using illegal drugs just because my children's father was and because when my children's father lost his parental rights he told DHS that I was using illegal drugs because he was going to make sure that since he couldn't have the children that nobody was going to get them. I complied with everything DHS asked me to do plus some. They court ordered me to do drug treatment even though they had no reasonable cause to. Although I didn't agree with the court order, I still complied and completed treatment. The DHS worker liked and told the judge that I never completed treatment. I want my babys back it's not right for DHS to get away with more or let abusing our children by traumatizing them and selling them .
