Before I die I want to...
I Want To Publish My Book.

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Only one buckaroo has listed 'I Want To Publish My Book. ' as a life goal.

As long as I can remember, I have always love writing. It was the creation of my personal world, where I put the rules, I create and destroy, I inspire love and hate. I can make magic real and death a lie. It's all between my mind, my heart and the pages that I am filling. But it was all a private and chaotic thing, until I decided to organize it all and write a book. Maybe just for fun, or to spend my free time in a productive way, I don't know; I never imagined it will be such a fantastic and heartbroken crossing about love and betray, friendship and family, royalty and slavery and revenge. And now I want to share it. Why? Books make us feel less lonely and sometimes we all just need a story to scape from reality, Don't we?. Hope one day, you can read mine.
